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  • Ayurvedic and Herbal Facial- A new choice of modern woman

There is a rising popularity for herbal products not only in our country but outside India. Many brands have leveraged the benefits of adding herbal to your products. But you will be surprised to know that there is hardly anything herbal about their cosmetics. As far as our skin is concerned, it deserves chemical free, preservatives, fragrance free products. So, if you are looking for an herbal facial kit, get it done at an Ayurvedic centre.

Just relying on herbal tag of brands is not enough. For example, you buy a readymade face pack or aloe vera gel, it also has preservatives that’s why their shelf life is long. If you want to treat your skin with fresh products, visit our centre.

Who should get Ayurvedic facial done?

Anyone can get an Ayurvedic facial done. Generally, patients with blemishes, pigmentation, (jhaiyan), acne, pimples, sensitive skin approach us for the skin treatments.

Earlier, teen aged children would get acne/pimples outburst. But these days because of pollution, stress around us women in mid-30’s and mid-40’s also get acne. If you have acne, you should avoid getting regular facials/bleach at parlours/salons. We have good medicines for acne treatment which we use in a personalized facial e.g, Kumkum, sulphur, Kapoor like astringents.

Are facials sufficient for a glowing and radiating skin?

Beauty lies skin deep. It is not only external treatments, but internal Rasayan therapies also work after giving your skin the youth and grace. We advise diet modification and juices made of simple herbs like Amla, Aloe vera, Pineapple for your skin. Every skin is different, so every person is given a customized medicine.

Types of Herbal facial

  1. Moisturizing herbal facial
    This facial is ideal for dry and dehydrated skin. We use aloe vera, honey, avocado for these facials. There are herbal oils too which are used for this treatment.
  2. Brightening herbal facial
    This facial is for the people who have dull and pigmented skin. Common ingredients used in these facials are Lal Chandan, Kumkum, liquorice, manjistha etc
  3. Anti-ageing herbal facial
    We cannot prevent ageing, but we surely can make you age gracefully. There are medicines like arjun, liquorice, saffron that prevent fine lines and wrinkles thereby giving the skin a radiant glow.
  4. Acne fighting facial
    Multani mitti, neem bark, rose water, turmeric is used for acne. This treatment needs few sessions and considerable improvement is seen. We also use sulphur ointments which works wonders on facial.
  5. Hydrating Herbal facial
    Cucumber, aloe vera, rose water, Kumkum oil are extensively used in this treatment. It hydrates the skin and also make it glow and fresh.

    The best gift that you can give to your skin is take good and natural care of it. The skin deserves to be kept away from chemicals.

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