• Jyoti Ayur Clinic-Cure And Care With Ayurveda

Our Treatments

Joint Pain/Disc Pain

Due to sedentary lifestyle and dry foods that we take, joint pain and disc pain are becoming very common amongst younger generations. Ayurveda aims at bringing down the aggravated Vaata in the body with medicines and Panchkarma. There are fruitful results in Arthritis and disc related problems.

No big a surprise if a 35-year-old lady walks in our clinic with early cartilage degeneration. The diet and lifestyle play an important role in maintaining bone and joints health. We do janu basti, kati basti, prishtha basti, potli massage, snehan, swedan, basti which go a long way in not only maintaining health of the joints but treating them. Cervical pain, lumbar spondylosis, sciatica, disc bulge, nerve compression is addressed with the treatment through oral medicines and panchkarma procedures. These procedures do not take much time to show improvements. Read More…

Chronic Headache

Headache is such a thing which each one of us has experienced but it can be debilitating and devastating for some. It may be due to Migraine, Sinusitis, Tension Headache, Vascular Headache and Neuralgia. The intensity and frequency of episodes of headache demand treatment. Chronic headaches have been successfully treated at the clinic. Patients of all age groups from 7-year-old child to 65 years old person have fully recovered within a short span of treatment.

We have been successfully treating Migraine patients across the country. Along with the treatment, diet and lifestyle modifications are advised to the patients which can trigger bad headaches. All kind of acute and chronic headaches respond to Ayurvedic treatment we give. Once they are treated, headaches don’t relapse even after the treatment is stopped. Read More...


IBS is a very common illness now-a-day. There have been researches which state that quality of life of patients with IBS is badly affected. Ayurveda has many medicines that work in IBS and digestion related disorders. IBS patients are advised curd by their doctors. As a result these patients start consuming curd a lot, even three times a day. It is seen that curd helps to some extent but does not aim at curing the disease. On the contrary, curd due to its sliminess blocks all the channels of the body and patient ends up in other auto immune disorders like Psoriasis, Arthritis etc. Ayurveda thousands of years back has said Takra(Buttermilk) to be the best treatment of IBS. Dr Jyoti has cured good number of IBS patients with very few medicnes. Read More…

Gastric/Intestinal Ulcers

There are numerous cases of gastric ulcers being successfully treated at the clinic. The ulcers if left untreated can lead to severe illnesses like cancer. They need to be cured with utmost care.

Patients with ulcers keep getting endoscopy and colonoscopy, they start taking boiled foods, take many medicines but ulcers keep coming back. Ayurveda can permanently cure intestinal ulcers. Ayurveda medicines not only work as a coolant for the stomach lining but they improved digestion and absorption too. Dealing with ulcers in the stomach is a tough battle in itself but Ayurvedic treatment and diet can completely make you get rid of it. There are ayurvedic herbs that work by balancing the pH of the stomach and hence it causes great relief in pain and bloating. Read More…

Nadi Pariksha

All it takes to understand the Prakriti and Vikriti of a person is good Nadi Pariksha. Dr Jyoti has hands on experience in Nadi Pariksha which makes the diagnosis clear as per Ayurveda.

Nadi or your pulse is the mirror of your health. It holds valuable information about your physical and mental well being. Nadi Pariksha not only talks about your vikriti i.e disease you are suffering from but about Prakriti as well i.e what your body constitution is. The rhythm, speed, strength and other subtle characteristics show us which dosha is aggravated and accordingly the treatment plan is prepared. If you are interested in getting your Nadi Pariksha done and knowing more about your Prakriti you can walk in the clinic. You will be guided for diet and lifestyle you should follow according to your Prakriti and Vikriti. Read More…

Rasayan Chikitsa

Rasayan Chikitsa is a vital branch of Ayurveda. Rasayan means regeneration of the tissues in our body. With age, degeneration is bound to happen but there are cases when degeneration starts early and it demands treatment. Rasayan Chikitsa is done here at the clinic in degenerative disorders like Arthritis, Hairfall, Premature greying of hair, Skin care etc.

These treatments aim at rejuvenation, revitalization and enhancing the longevity. These treatments slow down aging or you could say slow down the degeneration process happening in the body. It includes dietary modifications, lifestyle practices, various yogasanas, ayurvedic medicines and detoxification done at the clinic. This treatment is individualized and specific approach for a specific person is used. You should visit the clinic if you want rejuvenation treatments for your body. Read More…

Panchkarma Chikitsa

The faith and inclination of people towards Panchkarma is increasing day by day. Keeping this in mind, the clinic has facilities of various Panchkarma procedures like Shirodhara, Abhyang, Udvartan, Nasya, Vaman, Virechan, Akshi Tarpan/Netra Tarpan, Kati Basti, Janu Basti, Greeva Basti etc.

Panchkarma is meant not only to cleanse the body but it helps to cleanse and rejuvenate mind too. Restoration of the three doshas Vata, Pitta, Kapha is done with help of these procedures. It is necessary that Panchkarma should be done under the guidance of an experienced physician. Panchkarma is not one size fits all approach. It depends on a person’s Prakriti, Vikriti and the current Ritu (season). For example, Vaman is done ideally in Vasant Ritu, Virechan in Sharad Ritu and Basti in Varsha Ritu. Read More…

Skin Disorders

It is said that beauty lies skin deep. If your skin is not good nothing is good inside your body. Ayurvedic medicines have always proved to be effective in treating pimples, pigmentation, eczema, allergies, urticaria, dermatitis, leukoderma/vitiligo etc.

Earlier acne was seen in teens or early twenties but today due to pollution, stress around us, there is no age to it. We have treated acne in patients of 50 years of age. Ayurvedic facials are done at the clinic with experienced therapists. Ayurvedic medicines like Raktachandan, lodhra, manjishtha, yashtimadhu, mukta shukti are used in treating pigmentation or blemishes. All types of urticaria have been completely cured with the treatment by Dr Jyoti Gandhi.
Psoriasis is a difficult disease but has been easily treated with our treatments at the clinic. Read More…

Swarnaprashan/Child Healthcare

Swarnaprashan (Ayurvedic Immunization) is done at the clinic every Pushpa Nakshatra to enhance the immunity, help children fight against allergy problems and improve their memory, vision and overall growth. Children with tonsilitis, adenoids, nasal polyps, recurrent cold and cough, ADHD, Autism, Bed wetting, Cerebral Palsy are treated here. The parents of children getting Swarnaprashan drops at the clinic keep thanking the doctor for the wonderful work.

Allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis, recurrent fevers among children have been treated with Swarnaprashan. Remarkable improvements are seen within first 3-4 doses of the medicine. The digestion is enhanced and it helps improve weight of the child. Many children found these days are hyperactive. Swarnaprashan reduces hyperactivity to a great extent. It also works as a great brain tonic as it has medicines like vacha, brahmi ghrit. Read More…

Women Health

The family remains healthy if the woman of the family is healthy. At Jyoti Ayur clinic, Women Health is given prime importance. Women at different stages of their lives experience Hormonal Imbalance which is very well taken care of here. All types of menstruation related troubles, menopause related problems, leucorrhoea, PCOD are being successfully treated here at the clinic.

PCOD is becoming very common amongst young girls. Ayurveda has an effective treatment plan for it. Scanty menses is becoming more and more common these days to metabolic disorders, hypothyroidism, stress which is often sidelined. It should be treated as menstruation marks shedding out of the old. Panchkarma procedures are also carried out for patients of infertility. The cleansing of uterus happens with Panchkarma and the probability of conceiving naturally thereafter increases manifold. Read More…

Weak Immune system

Even a common man has understood the importance of a strong immune system in Covid Pandemic. There are remarkable number of patients with weak immunity turning up at the clinic who respond very nicely to the medicines. Children with weak immunity issues have been addressed at the clinic. Auto immune disorders are treated at the clinic and Ayurvedic medicines do not work by suppressing the immunity but by modulating it.

It is true that post Covid, there have been an upsurge in the number of auto immune disease patients that we see on daily basis. Ayurveda not only improves the quality of life of patients with auto immune diseases but also cures it. Diseases like Rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, avascular necrosis, ankylosing spondylitis have been successfully treated at the clinic. Read More…

Weight Loss

We come up with healthy & fast weight loss program, lose weight naturally. Weight loss is a concern for all of us. But it is also important to follow an accurate system of weight loss techniques in a bid to not lose too many nutrients from the body. Weight loss should always be consistent and effectively healthy and hence to achieve that one needs to follow an Ayurvedic system which helps in promoting health, balance and longevity through few simple guidelines. Ayurvedic weight loss is always unfailing, constant and reliable and also very easy to follow. Ayurvedic tips for weight loss can naturally guide towards holistic and healthy living without the usage of chemical or processed foods or fad diets that do more harm than helping us. Read More…


Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (air-filled cavities inside the bones of the skull). The sinuses are air-filled spaces in the skull. They are located behind the forehead, nasal bones, cheeks, and eyes. Normal functional sinuses contain no bacteria or other germs, mucus drains out and air is able to flow through the sinuses.Anything interfering with the flow of air into and drainage of mucus out of the sinuses can cause sinusitis, that is when the sinus openings become blocked or too much mucus builds up. Read More...

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