• Jyoti Ayur Clinic-Cure And Care With Ayurveda

Our Treatment

It is said that beauty lies skin deep. If your skin is not good nothing is good inside your body. Ayurvedic medicines have always proved to be effective in treating pimples, pigmentation, eczema, allergies, urticaria, dermatitis, leukoderma/vitiligo etc.

Earlier acne was seen in teens or early twenties but today due to pollution, stress around us, there is no age to it. We have treated acne in patients of 50 years of age. Ayurvedic facials are done at the clinic with experienced therapists. Ayurvedic medicines like Raktachandan, lodhra, manjishtha, yashtimadhu, mukta shukti are used in treating pigmentation or blemishes. All types of urticaria have been completely cured with the treatment by Dr Jyoti Gandhi.
Psoriasis is a difficult disease but has been easily treated with our treatments at the clinic.

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