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Migraine- Much more than a Headache
There would not be a single person who must not have experienced a headache in the lifetime, but sometimes headaches can be debilitating and devastating. Such chronic condition characterized by repeated, throbbing, pulsating, disabling neurobiological headache disorder is called Migraine.

Migraine – Much more than a headache
It is just not a headache, but may be accompanied with nausea, vomiting, photosensitivity (intolerance to light), noise sensitivity (intolerance to sound), visual disturbances and aura. In some cases, headache may last from hours to several days, thereby worsening the quality of life. In women, the classical symptom of Migraine is that they experience bad episodes of headache few days prior to, during and after their menstrual cycle. They endure the disturbing headache nearly half the month. It is the frequency and the intensity of headaches that demands treatment.

Treatment as per Ayurveda:
Ayurveda has a detailed description of 11 types of Headaches. A proper Prakriti and Vikriti analysis is done to understand which of the three Doshas is aggravated. The detailed history of the patient, aggravating and relieving factors further help to know which Dosha must be balanced. It has been found that Vata Pitta Prakriti people are more prone to getting migraine. During adolescence, the Pitta is usually high in the body, hence young children and adults are seen suffering from Migraines. Migraine is commonly found in young girls during puberty as it is a hormonal ride. Similarly, women nearing menopause experience unexplained headaches because of hormonal imbalance.

Diet and Lifestyle: Diet and Lifestyle plays an important role in resolving Migraine. It is found that headache aggravates on empty stomach, with irregular food habits and with foods like citrus fruits, chocolates, cheese, butter milk. Ayurveda says your stomach is the origin of all diseases, so gastrointestinal symptoms are taken care of.

7 hours sleep is must for a person with Migraine. It is sometimes seen, if children are made to wake up from the deep sleep and it continues for a long time, they may develop headaches. Anxiety, depression, stress only add to the episodes of Migraine.

The disorder ‘Migraine’ is complex, but its Ayurvedic management is simple if done with diet and lifestyle modification.

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